Friday, November 27, 2015

Public Yule/Winter Solstice Ritual 2015

December 20th, 2015, 4pm
René Lévesque Park (Lachine, Qc)
Facebook event

This year, we will be calling upon the Holly King, who is currently at the end of his reign, to receive our Yuletide gifts. In turn, the Holly King will be sharing gifts with all who attend this ritual.

The gifts for the Holly King are non-perishable food items, which will then be donated to the Sacred Cauldron Yule Baskets and to the NDG Food Bank.

This event will be taking place OUTDOORS, so dress warmly! We are holding this event in René Lévesque Park in Lachine, which features a Stonehenge art display! You can see what this looks like on Youtube at:

What you need to bring:
* $5
* Warm Clothing to wear
* A non-perishable food item to donate

Saturday, October 31, 2015

Blessed Samhain

Blessed Samhain to everyone! The veil between the living world and our beloved dead is thin and they yearn to hear us again. Remember them, let them know you're okay, and that their memory continues to be strong in your heart.

Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Week of the Witches 2015

There are two big Pagan events taking place this week! Two! Can you handle it? Will we see you at one, the other, or both? It's the week of the witches! Oh my!

Soirée païenne / Pagan's Night Out
Tuesday, October 27th, 6:30pm
Cha Noir
4611 rue Wellington, Montreal (Verdun)

Samhain Public Ritual 2015
Friday, October 30th, 6:30pm
Studio Sundari
6262 St. Hubert, Montreal

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Samhain Public Ritual 2015

Friday, October 30th
7:00pm - 9:00pm
Studio Sundari
6262 St. Hubert
Montreal H2S 2M2
Facebook event
Cost: $5

Samhain is a powerful, moving time of year when we reflect on the loved ones we have lost to death's embrace. It is said that this is a time when the veil between the living and the dead is thinnest, which allows us to communicate with the dead easily, and it allows the dead to whisper to us.

For this Samhain ritual, we will be journeying to the boundaries between the living and the dead. You will be invited to approach the veil, see the shadows of the dead, and whisper your messages to them. You will also be invited to do some divination for not only yourself, but for others.

Please bring your drums and other acoustic instruments.

We have rented the large room at Studio Sundari, so let's fill it! Invite your friends and your family to share in this powerful experience. Happy Halloween!

Contact Hobbes for more information (514-791-3627).


--De l'autre côté du Voile--

Samhain est un puissant moment de l'année où nous nous souvenons de nos êtres chers qui ont succombé à l'étreinte de la mort.  Il est dit qu'à ce moment, le Voile entre les morts et les vivants est à son plus mince, ce qui nous permet de communiquer avec les morts plus facilement et que les morts, en contre-partie, arrivent à nous chuchoter leurs messages.

Pour ce rituel de Samhain, nous voyagerons aux frontières du monde des morts et des vivants. Vous serez invité à vous approcher du voile, à voir les ombres des morts et à leur chuchoter vos messages.

Vous serez aussi invités à faire de la divination pour vous-même et aussi pour d'autres.

Nous avons loué la grande salle au Studio Sundari, alors remplissons la! Invitez vos amis et votre famille à partager cette expérience puissante.
Joyeux Halloween!

Prix: 5$

Tuesday, June 9, 2015